For the first time since January 2008, I am now an LA commuter. The irony is…I live 20 minutes away from work. Now that C is in daycare, I drive from Palms to Ktown to UCLA and then back to Ktown and then back to Palms. My Commute went from 20 minutes each way to 2 hours each way. WOW right? I’m sure this sounds crazy and YES I could have sent C to a daycare down the street~~ but after lots and lots and LOTS of stressing/weighing our options/etc, this is what is best. Examples: I want C to learn Korean, I want C to eat Korean food, I want C to grow up in a Christian daycare/preschool, this daycare is SUPER DUPER clean, the ladies are incredibly warm and bubbly, etc.
So now that I’m commuting to work, Ryan’s Roses and music during my drive just isn’t working. I need to make better use of my time. Right now we have a free trial of Sirius XM Radio and I LOVE IT. I listen to news channels the entire drive. If you know me, you know that I have very little to no interest in news, politics, anything serious. LOL But listening to people chat about the elections, the Pope coming to LA, etc it’s kind of like listening in on friends talking or neighbors on the bus talking to each other. I really love it.
That opens me up to some more options during the drive…
- Do I pay for Sirius Radio once my free trail is up? It’s $100 a year… worth it if i’m using it 3-4 hours everyday?
- Do I scrap Sirius and just listen to pre-downloaded podcasts? (Free)
- Do I stream things online? (Free but uses hella data)
- Do I listen to NPR and the Radio? (Free)
- Do I buy an audibles subscription? ($9.99 per month and up)
- Should I check out books on tape from the library? (Free)
Any suggestions? If I’m going to be commuting, it would be cool to accomplish something. Like a) go through 3-5 books a month or b) learn about politics/history/current events. Is it wrong that I’m not putting “listen to sermons” in this list? o.O
BTW—in a perfect world I would have a driver so that I could chill in the back and work, read, go through social media apps and blog! Anyone wanna volunteer? ;P
The post Commuting appeared first on markel + me.