This is the first meal I’ve cooked from scratch since… maybe before Charlotte was born. Uhh… that is sadly at least 1 meal in 1 year.
First off, I’m not a great cook. I can do my best in the kitchen but I just don’t have the patience for it. Second, Mike is just a much better chef that I am~ he also ENJOYS cooking for the family. Whereas I just want to freaking eat it already.
About 7 months after having baby C, Mike and I slowly started to feel like we were finally hitting a rhythm and getting back into our daily routines. One big thing we have yet to get back into is cooking regularly each night. When I was making this, Mike brought C into the kitchen and said, “whoa we’ve never seen this before?! What is mommy doing?” =( sad. hahaha I would hope that C would grow up knowing we eat organic/healthy. I always cook her something delicious for dinner but it’s easy to make a tiny meal for a 9 month old.
Major props to all the working and stay at home moms who cook every night (or several nights a week). This has been my biggest challenge and something I’ll need to work harder at. Sigh. Anyway…Here are some great links that I’ve found to help make it easier for a working mom to cook!
The Working Mom in a Cooking Rut
The post Cooking appeared first on markel + me.